Create Space is a project led by Orchestras Live in partnership with Manchester Camerata orchestra that will create an orchestral feature film. The film will include brand new music inspired by words, music, videos and visual art gathered from the community. The film will be shown at the Darlington Hippodrome and in other community settings such as libraries, village halls, maybe even in your local pub!

Residents in Darlington are invited to contribute creative material to inspire composer Daniel Kidane, and his creative team music creator Ben Nobuto, poet Roma Havers and musicians from Manchester Camerata orchestra to write a new piece of music that will feature in the film.

What we’d like you to do

It’s been a difficult eighteen months for everyone, and we’d like to hear from you in artistic and creative ways about your feelings about togetherness. We’d like you to think about the importance and value of being together; of sharing time with family and friends, even your pets, what it feels like to be alone, what makes you happy, what lifts your mood and places where you like to go to spend time with friends and family.

We are interested in receiving creative material in a range of formats. You might want to express how you feel about the theme in:

  • a poem
  • by taking photographs
  • making a short video on your phone
  • by painting
  • by making up a song or tune
  • just speaking about your experiences.
  • If you aren’t confident using technology, please ask your friends and relatives to lend you a hand.


How to submit your material

You can submit your material in a range of formats. We suggest that large files such as video are submitted using Dropbox or WeTransfer or other online file sharing services. Written material should be in MS Word, audio in MP3 format, video in MP4 format and visual material in JPEG.

Please submit your material by email to [email protected] using the email heading Create Space creative content.

Permission and rights

Please ensure that you ask the permission of anyone you photograph or video that they are happy for you to do so and make them aware that it might be featured in a film for public viewing. Please don’t use copyright material – something that has already been created by someone else. We want your original material. 

If we use your material in the film, we will ask your permission to use it. The copyright for the original material will reside with you but the copyright for the music and the film will reside with the composer and the film makers.