Matinee Matters
Darlington Hippodrome has launched a new initiative to help battle loneliness and self-isolation.
Matinee Matters is a series of hosted, informal meet-ups at the theatre supported by Care Matters which take place before a matinee performance. If you have booked for the performance and you'd like to take part, please let our box office team know via email (if you booked online) or phone (01325 405405) and you will be added to the free session. These pre-show sessions will play an active role in helping tackle loneliness and self-isolation amongst people in the local community.
Matinee Matters sessions are free to attend prior to watching selected matinee performances at the theatre. The sessions will take place an hour before the matinee performance. The free session can be easily added to any ticket booking. If booking over the phone or in person at the Box Office - please let the box office staff know that you'd like to attend and they'll add you to the session. If you booked online - please email the team at hippodrome.boxoffice@darlington.gov.uk and they'll add you to the session.
Matinee Matters will enable like-minded people to chat, laugh, make new friends and share thoughts on a matinee performance at Darlington Hippodrome.
Dates for up-coming Matinee Matters sessions:
Dial M For Mayhem - Thursday 20 Feb 2pm
Dracula - Thursday 10 April 2pm
Just Between Ourselves - Thursday 17 April 2pm
Cruel Intentions - Wednesday 21 May 2pm
Spitfire Girls - Thursday 29 May 2pm
Kim's Convenience - Thursday 26 June 2pm
Matinee Matters is kindly supported by Care Matters - www.carematters.co.uk