As throughout the pandemic, the safety and confidence of our audiences and staff remains paramount.
Please read below for the latest rules and guidelines in place at Darlington Hippodrome:
- It is now a legal requirement to wear a face covering in indoor public settings, including theatres. For the safety of our staff and customers everyone aged 11+ is required to wear a face covering unless eating/drinking or exempt.
- There is no requirement to present the COVID Pass or negative lateral flow test. These are not required as we are a seated venue.
- To assist with reducing crowding, on arrival please go straight to the seating level your tickets are booked for – there are bars available on all levels of the Hippodrome.
- Hand sanitiser stations are in place around the building.
- Enhanced cleaning schedules are in place.
- Queueing systems are in place upon entry to the building and on bars around the building.
- We ask theatregoers not to congregate at Stage Door post-show.
Please do not attend a performance at Darlington Hippodrome should you have any symptoms of COVID-19:
- Continuous cough.
- Elevated temperature.
- Loss or change of taste and smell.
Please do not attend a performance at Darlington Hippodrome if you are displaying COVID-19 symptoms or are required to self-isolate under current NHS guidance (
Wednesday December 15, 2021