Roundabout is the world’s first pop-up, plug-and-play theatre. It flat-packs into a lorry and is popping up in Darlington’s Market Square from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 October as part of Darlington Theatre Town.
On Sunday 8 October from 2pm to 4pm the Roundabout will be hosting a special event showcasing some of the talented folks of Darlington.
The search is on for acts which are of the spoken word (an excerpt from a play for example) or acoustic music. Your act should last no more than ten minutes in length and be suitable for a family audience. If you are interested in being considered please send your name, contact details and a short outline of your act to [email protected]. All performers chosen for a slot on the day will be given a free family ticket to the Darlington Hippodrome pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. You must be 14 years or over to submit an application.
Darlington Theatre Town is an exciting new initiative has launched in Darlington to bring ambitious and high quality theatre to the town. The project brings together the expertise of partners Creative Darlington, Darlington Hippodrome, Luxi, Theatre Hullabaloo and ODDMANOUT to cement Darlington’s place as a Theatre Town and a place where theatre thrives.
The project, funded by the Arts Council and Darlington Borough Council, grew from the opportunity presented by the redevelopment of the Civic Theatre (opening as Darlington Hippodrome in November), the exciting development of Theatre Hullabaloo’s new theatre for young audiences, The Hullabaloo, and the momentum that has built over the last couple of years around theatre in unusual places by events such as the award-winning Jabberwocky Market.
An opportunity for local talent to shine at Darlington in the Round
Monday September 18, 2017