The fundraising team is pleased to announce another substantial donation to the restoration fund. The Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust, a north east based grant making organisation, has awarded the theatre £50,000 as a contribution towards the on-going restoration work.

Longstanding Legacy

Dame Catherine Cookson wrote over 100 books, selling more than 123 million copies. She described her books as historical novels about people and conditions she knew. She died at 91, completing her final stories from her sickbed. The trust receives royalties relating to the work of Dame Catherine Cookson and offers financial support to suitable organisations. The trust supports a wide range of activities including education and training, environment and conservation, arts and culture as well as general charitable purposes. The trust’s principal aim is to identify and meet the local needs of the area in which Dame Catherine was brought up and resided. In particular the trust supports work with young or disadvantaged people.

The theatre team is delighted to be working with the Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust and looks forward to welcoming more trusts on-board in the coming months.

If you are involved with a grant-making trust or foundation and would like to find out more about our capital restoration programme, please contact the development team on 01325 406104 or [email protected]