In January, in our post Sweet Memories, we wrote about the receipts and invoices from the 1920s which had been found on the Hippodrome building site, most of them relating to a confectioner called Di Duca’s. We asked if anyone had more information on Di Duca’s, and to our surprise and delight, just a few weeks later we received emails, tweets and Facebook messages from Graham and Helen Di Duca who were researching their family history and who had stumbled across our post whilst searching the internet.
At the end of March, four members of the Di Duca family came to visit us at Hippodrome HQ to look through the papers that had been found and to tell us more about their family the history of which is intertwined with that of the Hippodrome.
Look out for a forthcoming article from Heritage Learning and Engagement Officer Cait Barrett, delving deeper into this fascinating story.
The Sweet Smell of Success
Wednesday April 5, 2017