Royal Northern Sinfonia - Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto
7:30PM, Thursday, June 05, 2025
Venue: Darlington Hippodrome
Joyful. Exuberant. A sunny celebration. Who’s on stage Royal Northern Sinfonia, the orchestra of The Glasshouse, are joined by guest conductor Ana Patino-Osorio. Section leader Adam Wood shines as soloist in the Haydn Trumpet Concerto. What They’re Playing Darlington Schools Co-created piece name tbc (10’) Caroline Shaw Entr’Acte (11’) Joseph Haydn Trumpet Concerto (13’) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro Overture (5’) Felix Mendelssohn Italian Symphony (27’) What you’ll hear A jam-packed evening of entertainment, kicking off with a newly composed piece, co-created with students from Darlington schools, followed by Caroline Shaw’s enigmatic Entr’acte. Our first half culminates with Haydn’s tour de force of modulation, his popular Trumpet Concerto. A marvellous Mozart overture from the comic opera The Marriage of Figaro gets the second part of our concert underway, before you’ll be treated to a euphoric ending with Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony. Who’s playing it Ana Patino-Osorio conductor Adam Wood trumpet Royal Northern Sinfonia What’s happening in the music You’ll be taken on an exhilarating exploration of music. From a newly created piece, through a modern classic, toward some high-spirited firm favourites. Mendelssohn himself called his Italian Symphony ‘Blue Sky in A Minor’ and wrote it was ‘the happiest piece I’ve ever written’. When listening to it, you’ll find refreshing Mediterranean gusts of violins, a dance off between the Saltarello and the Tarantella, and sparkling instrumental conversations. Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro Overture begins as a breathless whisper of strings and bassoon, before exploding into sudden rush of festive pent-up energy. Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto was ground-breaking in it’s day, written for his good friend Anton Weidinger, who had invented a new kind of five key trumpet. The concerto is filled with exciting melodies and fresh fanfares. Carolin Shaw’s Entr’acte is the composer’s own tribute to Haydn, beautiful subtle and enigmatic, it is a single movement piece for string quartet. You’ll have to wait until the day to find out what the students at Darlington schools have in store for you, as part of their co-creation piece with Royal Northern Sinfonia, but we guarantee it’s going to be good. Multibuy discount Buy tickets for Manchester Camerata, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, or Royal Northern Sinfonia at the same time and save 20%. Lucky Hipp Take a lucky dip on where you sit with a Lucky Hipp ticket for just £15. These tickets are limited, so book as soon as you can. Book over the phone or counter, or if you are booking online, instead of choosing your seats from the plan, select the Lucky Hipp button. 72 hours before the performance, you'll be allocated a full-view seat.